Home Direct Outreach Useful Email List Building Practices You Can’t Overlook

Useful Email List Building Practices You Can’t Overlook

by Tanace Ton
Email List Building Practices

Useful Email List Building Practices You Can’t Overlook

There are a few practices you need to know when building your email lists. You can have the greatest content in the world, but if people can’t find it or sign up for it, your list will be worthless. Below are some list building tips you might want to add to your email marketing strategy.

Pop-Up Windows

When you want to grab the attention of your visitors, use pop up windows. There are several types with varying degrees of power. The most effective pop up is known as a hovering ad, which is difficult to delete and will easily capture your visitor’s attention. Unfortunately, some unethical advertisers have given pop ups a bad reputation. Make sure not to abuse them but don’t let that stop you from using one!


Co-registration can be a valuable strategy for growing your list, since collaborating with businesses that don’t compete but are related to your industry can speed up the process. For example, for a dog grooming business to grow their list, they might consider collaborating with a veterinary clinic, who would share each other’s databases. A few non-competing related businesses could develop a newsletter which they could make available to their shared subscribers. That way, everyone would benefit from high-quality content and an easier workload.


Contests are an effective list builder because they involve your visitors in a way that most digital ads and marketing strategies do not. The contest details can be promoted throughout your website, but only subscribers are allowed to enter. Contests could be for anything that interests your customers, so think of fun prizes. The best contests also bring brand benefit since it’s done through the company, and entertainment value for customers by giving them something to enjoy on the website.

Contact Customers

If you want to grow your business, contact previous clients and ask them to sign up. It’s a powerful technique but often ignored. Explain how building a list of satisfied customers will help improve your business. People who have bought from you before already have an interest in what you’re doing. Ask them for feedback while they are signing up as well.

Many websites use a membership area to provide additional content not available to visitors who aren’t registered or haven’t subscribed. To make sure your visitors feel like they’re getting their money’s worth, emphasize the value of your membership – for instance, tell them that $29 per month is worth every penny. Be sure to continually update the content in your special member’s area to maintain freshness and keep visitors engaged.

Auto Responders

An auto-responder is an essential part of your marketing strategy. To make sure you’re utilizing the right technology, use Aweber to automate tasks like maintaining your list and strengthen your campaigns. For only $45 a month, you can’t afford not to have an auto responder.

Comply With The CAN-SPAM Law

Get the word out to your email list by providing them with the news they want, when they want it. Follow these steps to avoid being seen as a spammer:

We comply with the CAN-SPAM law.

Don’t purchase email lists, build your own.

* Keep records of subscriptions

* Avoid spam trigger words like free, earn money, discount, etc.

Double Opt-In

Double opt-in prevents your subscriber list from being considered spam and ensures you have valid data. This ensures that they’ve specified they want to receive e-mails from your company. The first step in double opt-in is when subscribers opt-in when completing the online sign up form. The second step is when the user confirms their subscription by clicking on a link that has been e-mailed to them. Double opt-in protects everyone in the subscriber list—you, visitors, and customers.


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